Friday, 12 October 2012

Unit 23 - P1 - Describe the impact of HCI on culture.


Due to the evolution of the GUI making computing more mainstream and allowing people to do more and more complex computing on portable devices i.e a smart phone, our culture has been changed dramatically. The first change is the way people use computers, originally the were the size of entire rooms and used solely for calculations executed by commands, but now you can find personal computers in an increasing number of households and are used for all manner of things, from work to online shopping, the vast majority using a GUI.

Facebook, a social networking site. This shows the incredible growth of people using computers in recent times.

HCI can also have bad impacts on culture. An example of this is deskilling work, deskilling work is when human workers are replaced by automated machines for example, in car manufacturing. You could argue that deskilling work is a good thing for businesses due to needed less specialists in a company and getting work done at a reduced cost. However, the impact on culture is negative as it means that unemployment can rise due to the fact that workers are fired and may not have the necessary skills to be re-employed, on top of that the morale of remaining workers could fall due to them feeling undermined by machines, which could then in turn reduce the quality and consistency of their work.

An example of machines in the assembly line industry.

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